
What I learned along the way

This is the beginning of my new blog. I am hoping to post often of things I have seen, new crafts I have learned. To post links to places that can help with these new crafts. I do get rather political and not always about the country I live in either which is Canada. Often I get involved online in debates (or sometimes arguments) about US politics or any other country if I have a opinion I want to share.  Really I try not to get in arguments but sometimes it just happens lol.  I learned from my Mom how to knit though I still can't knit anything like she could. One of my sisters are just like Mom in that she can take any pattern and run with it. Me I like to learn different knitting stitches and fairly easy patterns but not sweaters and such :)  I also began to learn from my Mom how to crochet but again not the really difficult patterns though I am learning to read those better too.  But find that pattern diagrams are easier for me then just written patterns there.  I used to do